
As a company, NATiVE Solar is thankful for the opportunity to serve our communities in the great state of Texas. We are thankful for our customers, and for everyone we speak to about sustainability on a daily basis. We are thankful for everyone that goes solar and makes green choices. We are thankful for you.

Below you can read what some from our team are thankful for. Please feel free to leave a comment about what you are thankful for.

Enjoy the holiday and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

I’m thankful for my health, job and friends/family I have. Every day I have the opportunity to learn and improve.

Casey, Regional Operations Manager

I’m thankful to be part of a company that values education and facts to help the environment and create sustainable methods of energy usage.

Marisa, Sales Associate

I’m super thankful for the health and well-being of my family and friends, and for my 8+ year job with this great company working to make Texas a cleaner, greener, and better place to live.

Ryan, Marketing

I’m thankful for the health and wellbeing of my family and friends. I am also thankful to be employed by this wonderful company.

Sebastian, Project Manager
I am thankful for my friends and family, and to be a part of the best team of people I have ever worked with.
Joe, Service Coordinator
The ability to work in an industry that benefits the lives of people and the environment is something I’m very thankful for. I’m also extremely grateful to my friends and family for bringing so much love and light into my life.
Anneka, Community Outreach
I am thankful I don’t have to work the Friday after Thanksgiving!
Darwin, General Manager
I am thankful for my family who support me in everything I do.
Anna, Social Media Specialist
I’m thankful for my health, job and friends/family I have. Every day I have the opportunity to learn and improve.
James, Solar Technician

I am thankful for my family, friends, and this job. I am most thankful for my Mom, who turned 90 years old this year and is still in very good health.

Karen, HR/Procurement
Thankful for my family, for having health. I’m thankful to work for a company to which I matter and cares deeply about always creating value for our customers.
Luis, Sales Consultant
Not only am I thankful to be a part of the company but also a part of something greater. A place that values family and camaraderie to those involved. Also a place that understands comics and magic.
Robert, Solar Technician
I am Thankful for the ups and downs that God has put in my life; those obstacles and achievements have made me who I am today. I am also so very Thankful for my family, friends, co-workers, and for being a part of this great, family-oriented company, NATiVE Solar.
Raye Ann, Executive Assistant

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.

William Faulkner