As a proud partner of Sierra Club (, the nation’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, we were very excited to work with the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter Director, Reggie James, on his solar PV system. Since he had the available land and too much shading on his roof, Reggie decided to go with a ground mount system. Along with his solar PV array, Reggie also utilized our holistic services, having us replace the aging roof on his home.
Here’s what Reggie James had to say about going solar:
Reggie James, Director
I’m going solar. Austin Energy inspected my solar install a couple days ago so I am a mere week away from having my meter installed so I can start generating electricity. I contracted with Native Solar to do a ground mount because I have space on the ground but too many large trees and consequently too much shade around the house for a decent roof mount. I did lose some bluebonnets, but I have lots and they will come back strong next year. The system is designed to deliver 11.7kW and my costs are offset by the City of Austin solar rebate to defray some of the installation costs as well as a 30% Federal tax credit. Once the system is operating, I also will receive a credit on my monthly bill for energy I produce. Texas does not mandate net metering, which would make the utility pay me for the excess energy I produce, but Austin Energy’s monthly credit (the “value of solar”) does something similar to compensate for energy a residential consumer produces. In addition to providing clean energy for my needs, Native Solar makes a donation to Sierra Club for every customer who we send to them – such a deal – “we all shine on.”
Congrats Reggie and Build Native on another great solar project! Count me in if you need a supporter to help get net metering mandated in Texas. I installed solar on my home in Killeen in 2013. I did so primarily to offset my daily commute from Killen to my office in Austin. As an EV fuel source, and factoring in ONCOR incentives, TXU’s net metering credits, 30% Federal tax credit, and no monthly gasoline expenses, breakeven occurred in about 2 years. Of course, the $25 per month average TXU bill last year was a welcome bonus. Last summer, the military sent me to South Carolina and I sold my home in Killeen. Looking forward to returning to Texas this fall and taking on a few related legislative challenges. Again, congrats and thanks for sharing the news.