Earth Day is April 22nd. It is a day to not only celebrate mother nature, it is a day of action that changes human behavior and provokes policy changes. At NATiVE, Earth Day is Everyday. We work daily to help Texans reduce their carbon footprint with green building, rainwater collection, and solar panel installations. We strive to build sustainably, recycle every chance we get, and utilize a fleet of bio-diesel trucks. Many NATiVE employees use electric cars and all do their part to help fight climate change, leaving Texas (and the world), a better place for our children.

As we approach the upcoming Earth Day celebration, let’s take a look at the history of why there is an Earth Day, and how Earth Day can, and should, be everyday.

Today, Earth Day has become the largest secular observance in the world, celebrated by more than a billion people every year, and a day of action that changes human behavior and provokes policy changes. The fight for a clean environment continues with increasing urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest every day. This is why it is important to not just respect mother earth one day of the year. Earth Day is Everyday.

2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day. In honor of this milestone, Earth Day Network is launching an ambitious set of goals to shape the future of 21st century environmentalism. Learn more here.

We invite you to be a part of Earth Day and help write many more chapters—struggles and victories—into the Earth Day book. You can find us this Saturday at the Earth Day Austin celebration and learn how you can make Earth Day Everyday.